

名詞 n. 1.胡椒粉;辣椒粉;香辛調味品[U]I'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd. 我想在豆腐里加一點辣椒粉。 2.【植】胡椒;辣椒[C]I bought some green peppers for the salad. 我買了些青辣椒做色拉。 3.辛辣性,尖刻性[U]4.活力,勁頭;膽量[U]There was plenty of pepper left in the old man. 這老人仍然精力充沛。

1、 及物動詞 vt. 1.加胡椒粉於He peppered the soup. 他在湯里加了辣椒粉。

2、 2.雨點般地撒(或擲,射)[(+with)]The reporters peppered her with questions. 記者們向她接二連三地提問。

3、 3.使佈滿[(+with)]His face is peppered with freckles. 他的臉上滿是雀斑。