

關係副詞(when、where、why)引導的定語從句,它們後面的句子主幹完整,只缺狀語,它們都可以等於介詞+ which。也就是説關係副詞和關係代詞可以相互轉化,二者的選擇主要看該關係詞在從句要充當的句法成分。When 指時間,在定語從句中作時間狀語。

1、其先行詞是表時間的名詞(如:time, day, week, month, etc.)。


3、當關系詞充當定語從句的狀語時,用when;當關系詞充當主語或者賓語時用which或that 引導。

4、I still remember the day when my brother joined the army.(作狀語,when可以轉化為on which)I still remember the days which/that we spent together. (作spent的賓語)Where 指地點在定語從句中作地點狀語。

5、其先行詞是表示地點的名詞(如:place, school, room, etc.)。


7、This is the factory where he worked last year. (作狀語, where可以轉化為in which)This is the park which/that they visited last year. (作visited的賓語)Why 指原因在定語從句中作原因狀語, 先行詞通常為reason。


9、The reason why he didn't come to school was that he was ill(作狀語).I don't believe the reason (that/which) he gave me. (作give的賓語)He asked me the reason that can explain my success. (作explain的主語)擴展資料關係副詞when,where和why可以用介詞+which的形式替換。

10、when=介詞+whichI will never forget the day_____ we met for the first time. 解析:先行詞是the day,後面的從句恢復到完整句為:we met for the first time on the day.因此,on the day作狀語用關係副詞when代替,如果用介詞+which,就改成on which。

11、答案為when或on which。

12、where =介詞+whichThis is the farm______ we worked when we were young.解析:先行詞是the farm,後面的從句恢復到完整句為:we worked on the farm when we were young. 因此,on the farm可以用關係副詞where代替,如果用介詞,就改成on which。

13、why= for whichI don't know the reason ______he did it.解析:先行詞是the reason,後面的從句恢復到完整句為:he did it for the reason. 因此,for the reason可以用關係副詞why代替,如果用介詞,就改成for which。